Invoking Change Nationwide
Helping You Make The Connection
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Welcome to You Decide America
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You Decide America (YDA) is dedicated to making positive changes around the world and particularly in America. Our belief is that in order to assist others in reaching their goals or to provide a hand up at the time of need, a company or an individual must start within their own nesting ground first. In fact, it is not possible for YDA to effectively take huge movements outside of the country when there are so many unethical, deplorable, and demonic acts being committed in America. The primary goal of YDA is to assist families as well as businesses in becoming successfully independent. YDA wishes, and will change America for the better. We specialize in crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and establishing and bringing awareness to petitions for positive changes. If you sign up for our newsletter, you can become a part of new challenges being brought to America by YDA.